ICMR's New Dietary Guidelines

ICMR has released a new set of dietary guidelines, saying that around 56.4% of the total disease burden in India is because of unhealthy diet habits. 

ICMR said on May 8, as it released 17 dietary guidelines to meet the requirements of essential nutrients and prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity and diabetes.

The National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) under the apex health research body said that healthy diets and physical activity can reduce a substantial proportion of coronary heart disease (CHD) and hypertension (HTN) and prevent up to 80% of type 2 diabetes.

The NIN recommended restricting salt intake, using oils and fat in moderation, doing proper exercise, minimising sugar and ultra-processed foods.

ICMR’s 17 dietary guidelines

1) Eat a variety of foods to ensure a balanced diet

2) Pregnant women and new mothers should have access to extra food and healthcare

3) Ensure exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months; continue breastfeeding till two years and beyond

4) After six months of age, the infant should be fed homemade semi-solid complementary foods

5) Ensure adequate and appropriate diets for children and adolescents in health and sickness

6) Eat plenty of vegetables and legimes

7) Use oil/fats in moderation; choose a variety of oil seets, nuts etc. to meet daily needs of fats and essential fatty acids

8) Obtain good equality proteins and essential amino acids; avoid protein supplements to build muscle mass

9) Adopt a health lifestyle to prevent abdominal obesity, overweight and overall obesity

10) Be physically active, exercise regularly

11) Restrict salt intake

12) Consume safe and clean foods

13) Ensure appropriate pre-cooking and cooking methods are used

14) Drink plenty of water

15) Minimise the consumption of ultra-processed foods and high fat, sugar, salt

16) Prioritise nutrient-rich foods in the diets of elderly people

17) Read information on food labels

For more information ICMR Diet Plan Report: https://main.icmr.nic.in/

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