VLOGGER - Google

Google just dropped VLOGGER, and it's crazy.

This is going to transform the future of VIDEO forever

Here’s everything you need to stay...

VLOGGER is this cool new technology that can make photos come alive.

It's wild - The AI animates your face, complete with natural gestures & expressions.

How it works: Like a superpowered video editor

VLOGGER uses two AIs to work its magic:

- Lipreader: predicts your movements based on audio

- Animator: creates video frames from your photo and movement details

Here are some features of it:

1. Image to Video

Turn a single photo into a jaw-dropping video!

2. Video translation

Input video in one language, and audio in another, and it adjusts the speaker's mouth movements for the new language!

3. Video Editing

This AI isn't just for basic edits. It can animate new facial expressions and movements, opening up a world of creative possibilities.

The Results Are Both Cool & Creepy

Good stuff:

- Lip movements match the audio well

- Natural head tilts and poses

Uncanny Valley:

- Lip-syncing may be slightly off

- Facial expressions and gestures can seem robotic

The future of vlogging is bright (possibly animated)!

Can VLOGGER generate videos of anyone?

- It needs a real person's photo to start, can't create fictional characters yet.

How can I access VLOGGER?

- VLOGGER is a research project not yet available for public use.


That's all! You've now learned about VLOGGER by Google.

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